【同义词辨析】 2018-09-19 设计contrive-concoct

contrive: implies ingenuity or cleverness in planning, designing or scheming: ~d a way of helping them without their knowing it.      (clever聪明: 做事快速轻松,如a clever child聪明的孩子,   ingenious灵巧有创意good at inventing or discovering“善于发明发现,” 如an ingenious computer engineer一个心灵手巧的电脑工程师)        (如natives contrived weapons out of stone, wood, and bone原住民用石头木头骨头设计制作武器, the prisoners contrived a way to escape犯人策划越狱,如he contrived a meeting with the president他设法与总统会面,contrivance是contrive的名词,除了本义,还表示灵巧的设备器械a machine or a piece of equipment,如a clever contrivance巧妙的器械;形容词contrived还表示不自然不真实的having an unnatural or false appearance or quality,如the movie's contrived ending电影结尾感觉虚假,如contrived plot情节做作虚假不真实)    

devise: stresses mental effort rather than ingenuity and often implies the reflection and experimentation that precede the bringing of something into being: ~ new dishes to tempt the palate.  菜肴  下颚;味觉口味    强调努力思考试验,如本例设计新菜品,如they have devised a new method for converting sunlight into electricity设计出一种新方法把光转化成电

invent: contains some notion of finding and suggests originality, especially after reflection, as the result of happy accident: the telescope was ~ed by Galileo.     original强调首先,来自origin起源原点   (accident强调偶然意外chance and unexpected occurrence,如any resemblance to actual persons is entirely accidental如有雷同纯属巧合(偶然意外)   四大发明The Four Great Inventions are: the compass, gunpowder, papermaking, and printing指南针火药造纸术印刷术. 发明大多数来自happy accident偶然的幸运,没人敢说自己要在某天发明万有引力公式或制造火药、蒸汽机的方法,这些需要长时间的努力思考尝试实验试错  

frame: implies the exact fitting of one thing to another, as of words to thought or of the means to the end: ~ a proper reply to the letter.   frame做名词表示门窗、眼镜、沙发、身体、房屋等的框架,这里做动词表示拟定设计表达to develop or plan or express,如the first state to frame the constitution拟定宪法的初步阶段,如she framed her questions carefully小心的提问

concoct: suggests a bringing together of ingredients in new or unexpected ways that enhance their effectiveness: ~ a plausible excuse for his lateness.         (又例如Eugene was concocting Rossini Cocktails from champagne and pureed raspberries尤金用香槟和树莓调制罗西尼鸡尾酒,还常表示编造理由借口等,如本例)

contrive巧妙设计: 指灵巧聪明(ingenious,clever)地计划设计策划(plan,design,scheme),devise设计: 强调努力思考而非灵巧,如反复思考试验(reflection反思,experimentation试验),invent发明: 强调首创, 常常是反复思考后偶然意外地发现(find, happy accident),frame恰好合适的设计: 表示设计出恰到好处的事物,如语言能反映思想,手段能实现目的,concoct调制编造: 新奇地组合素材,提升效用

记忆方法: 1)首字母CDIFC想成成都衣服厂<==设计衣服


         3)设计的意思是想出做事的办法mean to find a way of making or doing something or of achieving an end by the exercise of one's mind.首字母CDIFC想成成都衣服厂<==设计衣服         (design才是通常说的设计,表示生成一个pattern即模式模板,如图纸方案服装图等,design表示的设计更正规可以多次利用)